With warmer temperatures comes that urge to spring clean! Monkton offers a well attended town-wide yard sale every May. Start going through those basements and garages - your gently used items could be your neighbor's new prized possession!
Here's the details:
What: Monkton Town Wide Yard Sale
When: Saturday, May 9th, from 8am till 1pm
Where: 3747 States Prison Hollow Road, Monkton (Volunteer Fire Department Building and Post Office)
Questions: Contact Jamie Steadman at: jls_2499@hotmail.com or #802-338-6731
Hosted by: Jamie Steadman, Toni Crosby & Tim Holloway with the Monkton Girl Scouts!
Set up: At the fire station on Friday, May 8th from 5-7 pm.
General Info: To have a booth at the Fire Station please contact Jamie Steadman via the information above. Many local homes also particpate at their own location, so grab a coffee and make it a garage sale morning in Monkton!