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Country Living vs. City Living in Vermont

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Downtown Burlington Vermont

We work with clients often who are contemplating a change and where to purchase a home can be a big one! In many cases, buyers are looking to move from an urban area of our state and buy something with a little land in the country. In other instances, we have clients who want the convenience and efficiency of living in a more urban area and also like that many of their home's amenities, like sewer and water service, are provided by the municipality, so they look to move from the country into the city!

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Country Living in Vermont

If you are considering a change of where to hang your hat, here's some things to think about: 1) Do the drive - if you are use to a 5 minute commute, or the option of public transportation, do the drive from your newly sought after location into where you work. And don't do it on a Sunday afternoon! Drive in either morning or evening traffic to really understand what that commute will be like. Also, many rural homes will be accessed by only dirt roads which can take a toll on your vehicle, or require that you have a 4-wheel drive vehicle in the winter! Understand your daily commute and the impact on your vehicle is an important factor with definite costs.

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Dirt Roads in Vermont

2) Amenities - When you live out in country, especially here in Vermont, there can be some tradeoffs. Most homes will have a private septic system and water supply that you would be responsible for maintaining. You also may have fewer options for phone, cable and internet service, so be sure to check on that. Lastly...take out. Not all rural communities have food delivery! So if you work from home and need a certain internet speed, be sure to ask before you buy!

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Church Street Marketplace, Burlington Vermont

3) Square footage -If you do move out into the country a bit, you'll see that the homes you may be able to afford get a little bigger, or come with more land. Would you rather pay for amenities or more space? Having more land can mean some additional freedoms, such as larger gardens, more pets/animals and more star gazing! You won't find many street lamps outside the city centers!

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Downtown Middlebury Vermont

Regardless of where you decide to call home, Vermont is such a lovely place with a uniqueness all to it's own. Have fun thinking through your optionsand let us know how we can help!

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