If you're a buyer currently looking for a newhome,I'm sure you've come across apellet stove...they are becoming more and more popular, especially here in Vermont. Many home owners are considering these alternatives to wood stoves to provide a secondary heat source for their home. Here's a few important facts about pellet stoves:
- A pellet stove has come a long way aesthetically. They used to resemble giant boxesbut now it's sometimes hard to tell them from a wood stove when you enter a home and they come available with or without a viewing window.
- Pellet stoves burn pellets, either made of wood or special fuel composites. The pellets come in 40 lb. bags and must be stored in a dry place.
- The stove produces dry radiant heat and can be controlled by thermostat when the hopper is full of pellets. In many cases a pellet stove is more efficient than a fireplace insert.
- When selecting a size for a pellet stove, the higher the BTU the better, andmake sure tobuy one appropriate forthe square footage you are looking to heat.
- Installation guides andsafety codes are similar to wood stoves, althoughsome pellet stoves can be direct ventedoutside and not need a lined chimney, or only needa shorter chimney to do the job. Pellet stoves also must haveelectricity to operate.
- Pellet stoves do require cleaning and removal of ash, but the volume is less than with traditional wood stoves.
If you are considering a pellet stove for you home, definitelytalk to an industry professional about the quantity needed in order to heat your home to obtain fuel cost estimates. It's also good to visualize where you will keep thestored pellets and how you feel about lugging 40lb. bags.As a local Realtor in homes constantly, we are seeing many more pellet stoves around the state andhomeowners are raving about the ease of use and very clean, almost smokeless, heatthe unitsprovide. Contact any of these local companies for more information on pellet stoves: Vermont Pellet Stoves in Colchester, www.vermontpelletstoves.com Vermont Wood Pellet Company in Clarendon, www.vermontwoodpellet.com Stove and Flagworks in Williston: www.stoveandflagworks.com